Products to Help Your Little One Stop Sucking Their Thumb
There are many products that help children stop sucking their thumbs. Which product is the best suited depends on the child, their age, and how intensely and frequently the thumb is being sucked.
How to Find the Right Product
If your child is at the very beginning of the weaning process, we recommend that you gently draw your child’s attention to the thumb sucking issue. If possible, this should be done without any negative connotations. You can start with a story, a good book (find our book reviews here), or a visit to the dentist.
If this approach or any other methods you try don’t work at first, don’t worry: every child can learn to stop sucking their thumb. But be aware that for many children, breaking this habit is one of the biggest steps in their young lives. This is especially true for those children who suck their thumb frequently and intensely.
You can find lots of products on Google and Amazon that promise to help break the habit, but it’s not so easy to figure out which of them work well and are safe for your child. This is an issue for which we would like to offer some help.
Don't Buy Cheap Products
We advise against cheap and generic, no-name products. That’s why you won’t find any of those in our reviews. Safety should be a top priority. It won’t help anyone if you focus too much on the price and saving a little bit of money but then struggle for several months with your child and their thumb sucking. You should also be aware that the correction of misaligned teeth and similar jaw issues take a long time and are very expensive.
Aid Categories
Every child is unique and needs a different aid. what works best for a child will depend on the frequency, intensity, and duration of their thumb sucking. Therefore, we have divided the products into different categories:
- If your child sucks their thumb only every now and then and mainly unconsciously, simple solutions may help. We’ve summarized these products in the simple aid category.
- If the thumb is sucked frequently, but your child is willing to break the habit and stops sucking their thumb after a soft reminder, a further aid is most likely to help.
- If your child sucks their thumb intensely, and frequently and can’t just go without doing so in some situations, he or she will need a strong aid.
Simple Aid Options
Thumb sucking often happens unconsciously, and the following products can help children to realize that they are about to suck their thumb before doing so.
The use of these products is only successful if the child is willing to break the habit and the need isn’t that strong.
Paint Your Child's Thumb

Painting or decorating your child’s thumb can help give their thumb an identity. You can draw a face, hair, and clothes on your child’s thumb using markers, pens, or even decorative bandages that you can find on Amazon that include their favorite characters. Make sure that you only use water-soluble and non-toxic pens or markers. You can find a large selection in most stores or online.
It’s best to combine this method with a nice story. More on this method may be found under: Giving the Thumb an Identity.
- Advantages: Cheap, simple, and helpful in simple cases.
- Disadvantages: Only provides a slight nudge in the right direction.
Nasty-Tasting Nail Liquids
Available in every drugstore and on Amazon, these products have a very bitter taste. Most products are designed for older children and adults to prevent nail biting. Very small children are usually not bothered by the taste or get quickly used to it. Furthermore, this technique doesn’t work if the thumb is mainly sucked during the night.
Make sure that the product is approved for use in your child’s age range. Most products are suitable for children aged three and up.
- Advantages: Cheap and easy to use. Can be supportive for older children who want to break the habit.
- Disadvantages: Not very effective in younger children.
- Buy: Most pharmacies and on,
Further Aid Options
The following products may help if the child wants to break the habit but still struggles.
Thumb Gloves
Various designs are available on Amazon and many other online storefronts. These products can easily be pulled off by the child when needed, making them convenient to use when there are also daily activities like handwashing or eating. However, these only work if the child is very committed to stopping their habit. They do provide a good reminder for the child and especially help in the situation when the thumb unintentionally makes its way to the mouth.
The most popular brands are Fingers&Thumbs® , Thumbsie, & Glovey Huggey.
This company specializes in thumb and finger gloves made of comfortable fabric. The products come in a variety of colors and sizes. What’s unique about these is that they are made out of soft, stretchy fabric and do not have any scratchy closing mechanisms like Velcro or buttons. Make sure to check out the size guide before buying.
They also offer products for skin picking and compulsive hair pulling as well.
Pricing starts at £9.85, but it’s recommended to buy at least three of these to have spares available if they need to be cleaned.
The product is available on the manufacturer’s page and on Amazon UK. The manufacturer offers free shipping in the UK and shipping to the EU for £4.25.
- Advantages: Relatively cheap, easy to use, no closing mechanisms like Velcro or buttons.
- Disadvantages: Can be pulled off if the urge to suck the thumb gets too strong.
Information About the Manufacturer
- Manufacturer: Fingers&Thumbs®
- Country: United Kingdom
- WebPage:
- Buy on Amazon: Thumb Glove on
- Buy on Amazon: 3-Finger Glove on
This company from England specializes in thumb gloves (also called thumb guards) and finger gloves made of fabric. You can choose from a very large selection of fabrics and patterns. There are 5 different sizes and special packages available (e.g., a thumb glove with a book and a reward card). This thumb guard is suitable for both boys and girls as young as three years.
Simple models are available for under 10£. However, the manufacturer recommends buying at least three of the product in case one or more of them needs washing. Larger packages of Thumbsies cost up to 59.90£.
- Advantages: Relatively cheap, easy to use, a lot of beautiful designs, washable.
- Disadvantages: Can be pulled off if the urge to suck the thumb gets too strong.
Information About the Manufacturer
- Manufacturer: Thumbsie Ltd
- Country: United Kingdom
- WebPage:
- Buy:
Strong Aid Options
These products are meant for children who don’t want to stop or simply can’t stop thumb sucking on their own initiative. This has nothing to do with a weak character or lack of willpower. Rather, the need for the thumb is so much anchored in the child’s brain that it can’t be stopped that easily. Some children are simply not ready yet and need some more time for this developmental milestone. However, in order to prevent long-term damage to teeth and jaws, you shouldn’t wait too long. If in doubt, discuss the matter with your pediatrician or dentist.
Some clues that show it's time to break the habit:
- The child is older than 4 years of age (depending on the source, 3-5 years)
- Visible displacement of the front teeth
- Very intense thumb sucking
- Very frequent thumb sucking
- Thumb sucking day and night
- Problems with the thumb (i.e., eczema, open sores, etc.)
The following products take the approach of stopping the habit until the child gets used to it. This can be compared to weaning a child off the pacifier. Depending on the intensity and frequency of the pacifier or thumb-sucking habit, it may lead to quite a bit of frustration and difficulty in falling asleep. However, this phase usually only lasts a few days.
It is recommended to use the techniques for at least 3 weeks (day and night) and then for another week at night to make sure that the habit is fully broken. Various studies give the method a very good success rate of over 90%.
Timing and preparation will help you to get through the first few days as well as possible. Find a story for your child to be prepared for the weaning period. If you read with your child the story of Anna and Dedo: A Thumb Ventures Out (you can find our book reviews here), you can tell your child that you ordered an aid for Dedo (e.g., a superhero costume).
- Choose the right moment: Use a moment when your child and you as a parent have enough time, patience, and calm.
- Reward and use positive reinforcement: Praise your child for every step they take in the right direction. A reward calendar is a nice way to do this. You can place a star on the reward calendar every day your child doesn’t suck his or her thumb. As soon as your child receives a predetermined number of stars, they should get a reward.
Success Rate
The aids in this category have a very good success rate (over 90%) in a rather short time (7-30 days, depending on the study). However, this only works if the child wears them all day and all night. If the child continues thumb sucking even for a few minutes unobserved each day, it won’t work. It is, therefore, highly important that all caregivers are informed and on the same page.
Of course, the strong aid products are occasionally removed to wash your child’s hands or when taking a bath. Otherwise, your child should never be left unobserved, especially during the first few days.
Dr. Thumb
Made from soft, non-toxic silicone, Dr. Thumb fits over and securely fastens to the thumb of either hand. It does not restrict the child’s ability to play or cause any discomfort. Dr. Thumb works by breaking the vacuum created when sucking a thumb. Ensuring that a small gap remains between the child’s thumb and the guard allows air to flow, making it impossible to suck. Whilst the child will still be able to put their thumb in their mouth, not having that sucking sensation will remove the child’s pleasure associated with the habit without creating any negative feelings. The habit is broken naturally and gently.
Dr. Thumb offers a 92% success rate with the habit often being broken within as little as 2 weeks, although it is recommended to wear Dr. Thumb day and night for a period of 4 weeks.
The product is available in two sizes: ‘small’ to fit those from 12-36 months of age and ‘large’ for those aged 3 to 7 years. Dr. Thumb fits both hands.
Dr. Thumb is available on the manufacturer’s page and on &
Further information and a free printable reward chart can be found on Dr. Thumb’s web page.
The silicone is relatively soft and comfortable to wear. It is 100% PBA-free. It won’t restrict the ability to play, climb, or draw, nor will it cause any discomfort. It is important to ensure that the straps aren’t tightened too much to avoid leaving any marks on the hand. During the first few days, you should regularly check the hand to make sure you prevent any swelling or rubbing.
Dr. Thumb offers various adjustment options to ensure a secure fit. Nevertheless, some older children may manage to get their thumbs out. Dr. Thumb offers a video on their webpage that addresses additional adjustments that can be made to offer a secure, comfortable fit. From experience, we’ve also found that applying a bandage under the silicone cover may help as well.
- Advantages: Relatively cheap, very effective when used correctly (success rate of over 92%), reusable straps.
- Disadvantages: Some older children may manage to get their thumbs out. However, this can be prevented with a simple trick.
Information About the Manufacturer
- Manufacturer: Dr Thumb
- Country: United Kingdom
- WebPage: UK: https// & Germany:
- Buy on Amazon: Small – &
- Buy on Amazon: Large – &
TGuard (AeroThumb & AeroFinger)
The US manufacturer TGuard has a product against thumb sucking and one against finger sucking in its arsenal as well.
- AeroThumb
- AeroFinger
In these reviews, we primarily focus on AeroThumb. This thumb-sucking guard made out of soft and flexible, medical-grade plastic doesn’t prevent the thumb from going in the mouth, but it does prevent suction from occurring, so there’s no longer any pleasure left in the habit. Without the pleasure associated with sucking one’s thumb, children have no incentive to continue. However, the child can still write, eat, and play while wearing the TGuard device.
The protective cover is fixed with a colored lockband. The lockband can’t be opened by the child. The lockband can only be opened by cutting. Each AeroThumb kit contains 30 wristbands in various colors. Additional wristbands can be bought in two quantities: either 30 or 60.
Several clinical studies, as well as TGuard’s own empirical evidence, have demonstrated that their products stop thumb sucking in over 95% of cases. Most children will see positive results within 7 days.
TGuard’s products are manufactured and assembled in the United States. All materials are 100% BPA-free and contain no harmful phthalates. Furthermore, the products are FDA-approved as well.
The product fits the left and right hand and comes in three sizes: small, medium, and large. There is also a version available for fingers. Most children switch from one thumb to the other after the TGuard is applied. For that reason, the manufacturer recommends purchasing two treatment kits, one for each hand.
The product is available directly from the manufacturer for 59.80 USD or on Amazon for 69.90 USD. A kit contains one Aerothumb appliance, 30 bracelets, one Instalock, one set of instructions, a reward chart, and stickers. There’s a 30-day money-back guarantee for customers from the US, too.
- Advantages: It has a success rate greater than 95%.
- Disadvantages: The lockband must be cut, and it needs a new one every day.
Information About the Manufacturer
- Manufacturer: TGuard
- Country: USA
- WebPage:
- Buy:
- Buy on Amazon – AeroThumb: Small, Medium, Large
- Buy on Amazon – AeroFinger: Small, Medium, Large
- Buy Replacement Bracelets: Amazon

Just like Dr. Thumb and TGuard, the product Kidshandaid tries to prevent sucking on the finger or thumb. However, it’s not made of plastic but a soft, extremely flexible, breathable material. A behavioral aversion strip keeps the thumb or fingers out of and away from the mouth.
This aid is custom-made to the size of any hand and can be modified to address any child’s individual, unique habit. A simple scan or photo of the hand is all the manufacturer needs. This probably makes it the most comfortable product available for a child to wear.
Furthermore, the Handaid has a patented child-proof closure system that prevents the child from removing the Handaid on their own. However, it doesn’t impede the use of the child’s hand. It has been designed to be as flexible as possible to accommodate all movements of the child’s hand.
Kidshandaid has a very high success rate of 99%.
The product is available directly from the manufacturer for 169 USD (free shipping worldwide). Two custom-made thumb handaids are included in this price, too.
Kidshandaid also offers a money-back guarantee. Any request for a refund must be made within fourteen days of receiving the aid, and Kidshandaid reserves the right to solve whatever problems you may be having with the Handaid before simply providing a refund.
There are more products available from this brand as well: a finger Handaid for 307 USD and a combination Handaid for 407 USD.
- Advantage: Costum made to the size of the child’s hand. Very high success rate of 99%. Safe, comfortable and durable. Money back guarantee.
- Disadadvantage: More expensive than other products.
Information About the Manufacturer
- Manufacturer: Kidshandaid
- Country: USA
- WebPage:
- Buy:
Nipit Hand Stopper
This product prevents thumb sucking by restricting the movement of the arm. It is suitable for children from ages 2 to 7 years. The range of motion of the elbow is significantly limited. The child can still play and reach their face, but they can no longer suck their thumb comfortably. This makes the product suitable for thumb and finger suckers alike.
The manufacturer doesn’t provide any information on the success rate but states that a duration of 5-21 days is required to break the habit. Unfortunately, there are no comparative studies.
The product is available directly from the manufacturer (recommended for customers from the USA) for 39.95 USD for one Hand Stopper and 69.95 USD for a pack of two. It is also available on Amazon (recommended for customers outside the USA).
The manufacturer offers a 30- day satisfaction guarantee.
- Advantages: Relatively cheap, the hand remains free, and it’s suitable for both thumbs and fingers.
- Disadvantages: The movement of the arm is limited, and there is no information on the success rate.
Information About the Manufacturer
- Manufacturer: NIPIT
- Country: USA
- Webpage:
- Buy on Amazon:,
Each of the listed products has its own advantages and disadvantages:
- Dr. Thumb offers the best value for the money. The only negative thing is that some older children may cheat their way out of using it, but this can be prevented with a little trick.
- TGuard has solid and proven products that are safe and successful. The product price is reasonable. The only disadvantage is that additional wristbands are pricy.
- Kidshandaid is the leader among the products when it comes to comfort and reliability. However, this product is high in its pricing.
- Nipit is the only product attached to the arm and not the hand. It’s cheap compared to other products. Unfortunately, there is no reliable data on its effectiveness.
Each child can stop sucking their thumb. Some do it spontaneously as they get older, and others need more support. We are convinced that there is a suitable solution for every child and hope that some of the methods and products recommended will help your child on the right path to overcoming their habit.
More Information About Thumb Sucking
More information about thumb sucking can be found here. Our most recommended children’s books about thumb sucking can be found on the book review page.
Children's Book Reviews
Self-Help Book Reviews
Side Note
We have tried to review only those products which have been proven to be both suitable and safe.
Do you know of any other products that should be included in our list? Do you have any experience with one of the products listed above?
Please let us know. Feel free to contact us with any information you’d like to share. We’d love to make this website interactive and share our readers’ experiences and knowledge, too.